Speaking Engagements & Workshops

Upcoming Learning Event

Redefining Trauma: Understanding and Coping with a Cortisoaked BrainRegister here!

Thursday, June 15, 2023 from 9:00 am – 4:45 pm

7 CE credits available through NBCC and AASECT

Cost: Registration includes a signed copy of the presenter’s book! Full day in-person includes lunch.

In-Person Full Day: $295………………………………………………..In-Person Morning Only: $135

Virtual Full Day: $270………………………………………………………Virtual Morning Only: $135

Virtual Morning Only* (no CE’s): $95

*This option is ideal for students, members of the community, or people wanting to better understand and cope with the impacts of stress and trauma for personal benefit.

It’s an excellent addition to ongoing therapy or for those supporting someone dealing with hardship.

Register here!

Hosted at CALM Pittsburgh:

4055 Monroeville Blvd; Corporate One (Bldg. 1) Suite 438; Monroeville, PA 15146; (412) 857-3717

As a result of this talk, participants will be able to:

1. List at least three ways the brain is affected by trauma and intense stress
2. Describe the influence and significance of culture/community in stress responses and their impact
3. Outline and teach at least 4 coping skills & explain their benefit from a neurobiological lens
4. Demonstrate appropriate language and phrasing to be used therapeutically with clients & discuss the rationale for their effectiveness
5. Describe at least one empirically supported treatment for working with trauma and outline the neurobiological underpinnings of its effectiveness
6. List and discuss steps for dealing with trauma responses that may arise during consensual sexual activity
7. Discuss the ethical need for informed consent when engaging in therapeutic work related to trauma and sex or sexuality


With the goal of fostering trauma informed practice, this session will focus on the neurobiological underpinnings of trauma in an understandable fashion. Impacts on daily functioning, relationships, sexuality, and overall resilience will be explored. Time will be spent discussing factors that inhibit open discussion about hardship, promote shame and self-blame, and negatively impact one’s ability to experience pleasure and connection. Cultural identity is addressed and the impact of being a member of an oppressed or underserved group is explored as it contributes to an over-stressed brain. Practical coping skills tailored to the state of brain will be detailed. Concrete guidance for language to use and ways to engage with others in a supportive manner will be offered. Specific therapeutic interventions will be discussed, and empirically supported treatments will be reviewed in the context of the brain. Interventions will be offered for both general processing of trauma as well as sex therapy specifically. The ethical imperative of informed consent will be reviewed as it pertains to engaging in therapy around trauma and sexuality.

Refining Trauma: Understanding and Coping with a Cortisoaked Brain has been approved by NBCC for NBCC credit.

Sarah E. Wright is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.

NBCC Approval No. SP-4245.

Contact Information:

Sarah E. Wright, Psy.D., CST/S; Sarah@DrSarahEWright.com; www.DrSarahEWright.com;

2611 River Dr. Columbia, SC 29210; (803) 658-8898

Speaker Info:

Dr. Sarah E. Wright is passionate about mental and sexual health, and approaches talks with energy and excitement. She values the importance of connection and understanding, and aims to bring this into every event. For years she has explored both the broad field of human sexuality and the impact of stress and trauma, especially as it relates to the brain and multicultural contexts. Using humor, metaphor, and real-world examples, she allows her audience to learn while laughing and truly hopes that everyone in attendance will come away with at least one skill or piece of knowledge that will benefit them directly.


  • “By far one of the best presentations I have seen in a long time. I gained a lot of valuable information, including stress being addictive, and how I can include this both in my life and with faculty and students.”

  • “I truly appreciate the way you teach in a way we all should strive to be. You’re empathetic, teach with integrity and respect, speak inclusively, and are purposeful with your choice of words, yet aren’t afraid to admit when you need to reword what you’re trying to get across. I think we’ve all learned how to more effectively and respectfully communicate with others, especially with tricky topics of conversations.”

  • “Dr. Wright is absolutely amazing. The trans and queer community is lucky to have someone like you who lifts up voices of minorities and fights for their rights in the south and also continuing to teach and be proactive about spreading understanding and acceptance.”

Contact Dr. Sarah via email -> sarah@drsarahewright.com

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